bun_terminator 3 months ago

This is their youtube page, which might be a better demonstration of what this actually is: https://www.youtube.com/@alien-project

  • emmanueloga_ 3 months ago

    Looks amazing in motion! Also, here's the homepage. [1]


    1: https://alien-project.org/

    • Bluestein 3 months ago

      It's very polished:

      "ALIEN is an artificial life simulation program that runs on a GPU. Its simulation code is written entirely in CUDA and highly optimized for large-scale real-time simulations of millions of bodies and particles (see the links for more information). This channels features real-time captures of simulations and technical demonstrations of the latest version."

    • Bluestein 3 months ago

      With video names such as "Invasion of Paradise" who can resist? :)

  • Bluestein 3 months ago

    PS. Also, nota bene, as noted in the docs:

    "Warning: This documentation is out of date and does not describe the behavior of the latest major version 4, which implements a new model. An up-to-date documentation can be found in the program help."

eggy 3 months ago

I still have the two Artificial Life volumes from the Santa Fe Institiute proceedings from 1989. Alien Life looks like you could easily get lost in another world with this simulation. I remember awaiting the game Spore with music by Brian Eno was being created with lots of pre-release press in 2007 / 2008. A lot of cross- disciplined talents were hovering around this field back then and emergent behavior was diffusing into all topics of conversation. Good times.

  • Bluestein 3 months ago

    > Alien Life looks like you could easily get lost in another world with this simulation. I remember awaiting the game Spore ...

    I remember the (deserved) hype back then ...

  • colordrops 3 months ago

    Seems that Spore still has some life. My 12yo asked if he could get it on Steam, and loves playing it. No idea where he heard about it.

    • Rhapso 3 months ago

      Nobody has made a game quite like it since. Its also really 5 games glued together with different levels of quality. Lots of replay value.

      • pennomi 3 months ago

        The creature builder was lovely, but everything else ended up really shallow. I’m honestly shocked no one has redone Spore, but with more modern game design polish.

        • acureau 3 months ago

          I've thought the same for some time now, it would do very well I think. The balance between the stages in Spore was way off. You could get all the way to space in like 4 hours, but I never could beat the final stage.

        • eggy 3 months ago

          I would definitely be up for a new Spore-like game with a dash of Bioshock. There are not enough "wet" games out there vs. hard sci-fi, fps, or space games.

dunefox 3 months ago

I love projects such as this. Although I don't know how successful they're in actually getting new insights - artificial life was the reason I wanted to study informatics.

  • RaftPeople 3 months ago

    I built an a-life system with basic creatures with senses, motion, consumption of food, and a neural net brain.

    Brains started random, each generation had a fixed life span, then next generation was created from previous with varying levels of evolution (top 10% best creatures left un-changed, next 10% tweaked a little, next 10% tweaked more...last 20% completely re-created randomly).

    I wanted to see some level of advanced control evolve, like a creature hiding behind an object waiting for it's prey (other creature). I didn't see anything remotely close to something like that, but I did see was some level of success evolve. Meaning some creatures had brains that allowed them to optimize finding food and avoiding getting eaten by other creatures, even if they were clearly using just simple strategies that ended up being effective, like frequently moving in a large circular motion to find food.

    This is the question the whole thing left me with:

    What is required to push this evolution to create the types of advanced control (intelligence?) that I was hoping for?

    Is there a level of complexity in the environment that is a base requirement? Meaning if the environment is too simple, then there is no opportunity to evolve the various building blocks that would all come together to produce advanced control because simpler strategies would always outperform in the short term?

    What were the conditions in our environment that pushed or allowed crows to become smart?

    Maybe, if the environment has enough complexity, then you can have many more species occupying their own little niche, which increases the odds of acquiring some mental attribute.

    Or maybe there is some very specific set of conditions within a species niche that opens the door for these advanced mental attributes to be valuable.

    • _wire_ 3 months ago

      Consider that the lower orders of integration of life are energetic molecular arrangements, then genetically controlled factories which make which make up the components of cells that in turn give rise to cellular replication, then cellular arrangements and multicellular organisms.

      The creatures you are hoping to simulate which seem to be at the level of abstraction of a nematode, IOW a model of a very simple body with a brain of a few hundred neurons, operate in environments so diffuse and rarified that superficially they don't seem striking behaviorally, even as they do the stuff you expect simple animals to do. A casual onlooker will not be impressed by the richness of the world of the nematode. So one challenge is you could be on the right track but find appropriate results boring.

      But it may be that the best you can do with a simulation is make arrangements seem interesting, because there may be an entropic blockade to stimulating life: life may be so efficient in its manifestation of degrees of abstractions, interactions, fabrication, layering, and interdependencies-- its complexity-- that organization of models using electronic computation devices can't get within many orders of magnitude of life's dynamical density and therefore simulation of life is inherently impractical. IOW you can get from life to computers, but entropy prevents getting from computers to life.

      In life, is there any clear distinction between machine and code? Genomics suggests there might be, but so far fiddling with genomes is well known only for edits of taxonomically superficial traits. Has anyone shown edits that give rise to a new subspecies-- much less a new genus? Idk... but it wouldn't surprise me to find the answer is be no, and that epigenetic factors might inhibit any approach to editing new lifeforms into existence.

      Is life is fundamentally emergent, without possibility of construction? I see a definitional hazard; that we may lack the language or cognitive capacity to deal with life's dynamics. These may be off limits. Or maybe not?

      • jrowen 3 months ago

        But it may be that the best you can do with a simulation is make arrangements seem interesting

        It may be, but is there any evidence of that or reason to believe it? How would one even go about defining that problem or proving that? With computer graphics we can produce worlds that approximate the real world well enough to understand and reason about them in similar ways, even though they don't really work like the real thing at all (e.g. hollow 3D objects suffice for a lot of things). Why could we not produce code that makes a character in that world pass for "intelligent"? We don't need to copy the model of life. We just need to understand what parts/features are necessary to create a system that has enough potential to develop something we find sufficiently interesting.

      • Bluestein 3 months ago

        > there may be an entropic blockade to stimulating life:


        PS. Taking this further, there might be a similar "blockade" to simulating intelligence. Or (definitely) consciousness ...

    • netdevnet 3 months ago

      There is definitely some requirements to achieve that otherwise every simulation would be able to achieve it. The million dollar question is what are those requirements.

      imo, your environment needs a certain level of complexity (what this level is no one knows), your fitness function (or whatever you use) needs a certain level of complexity and your simulation needs to run for a very long time (how long no one knows). If you think about it, our universe is incredibly rich in complexity and detail and even then, it took about 9 billion years for carbon based life to appear on Earth. So surely, in your much less complex environment, you will need the same or more "time"

      • jrowen 3 months ago

        The complexity and detail in our universe create an incredibly vast search space, which may hinder development rather than promote it. To speed it up we need to be able to narrow the search space by cutting some stuff out and simplifying the model. Do we need to model atoms? Molecules? Organelles? DNA? Some other made up building block?

        I have been intrigued by artificial life because I think it takes a more holistic look at that question than AI. I feel like starting with the neuron is kind of a huge assumption, how have we ruled out or accounted for the importance of all the more basic building blocks and developmental milestones of life?

        I also think the environment is critical. We formed and evolved as a product of our environment, we have to find food in it; our goals, behaviors and fitness level are largely dependent on/derived from it. An AI doesn't have an environment. It doesn't have any sense of living and being in a place. It can't care about anything. It's not going to see an apple fall and wonder why that happens. It's not alive or doing anything when it's not called to process an input into an output. It makes things up by stitching together words that it has no actual context or experienced meaning for. I find it hard to believe that we're going to achieve anything resembling the interesting characteristics of humans with these abstract Chinese Rooms.

        • jrowen 3 months ago

          I just had a thought that "intelligence" could be a misnomer or red herring in all this. A lot of modern AI seems to be built around "getting the right answer," performing measurably better on some task. But that's not really what makes humans interesting, and I don't think that's what most people dream of with AI. I would say that it's actually emotion that makes us interesting. I wonder how things would be different if it had been called Artificial Emotion. Emotion is more about experience than correctness. We need something that has some kind of "lived" experience that we can relate to. Feeding a billion words into a system of weights is just not it.

          • Bluestein 3 months ago


            (For what little it might be worth, I have recently posted/commented along these very lines ...)

          • Bluestein 3 months ago


            (For what little it might be worth, I have recently posted/commented along these very lines ...)

            Edited: Found it!

            - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40898635

            This is not an indication of any merit in the comment :)

            ... but as a way to showcase "prior art" in that we are thinking in similar directions (along with many people, I'm sure ...)

        • Bluestein 3 months ago

          > have been intrigued by artificial life because I think it takes a more holistic look at that question than AI.

          Totally in agreement.-

          > I feel like starting with the neuron is kind of a huge assumption,

          A warranted one, but a huge one, indeed, nonetheless ...

    • jrowen 3 months ago

      My first question would be, how exactly does the brain work? What inputs does it take, what outputs does it generate, what all is it capable of? My guess would be that the brain is too simple and kind of locked in or highly limited.

      I think we need to start with modeling more basic things with as few built-in assumptions/structures as possible. It may take a long time before anything interesting develops in the simulation. Billions of years is impractical but I doubt we're gonna whittle that down to a span measured in days anytime soon. The ultimate challenge is how do you know that your system is capable of building/developing complexity, and how do you tell if it is making progress on that?

      • RaftPeople 3 months ago

        My goal was to limit how much I hard coded into the creatures function, so it could evolve as much as possible.

        This was the design: The environment was made of a small number of materials:

        1-Non-life - blocks etc., obstructions

        2-Plant-life - is food but not a creature, not mobile etc.

        3-Creatures - alive and mobile (can be eaten by other creatures)


        1-Shaped like hexagons

        2-Eyes: Located on one of the sides of the hexagon

        3-Mouth: A medium length proboscis type thing on same side as eyes

        Touching plant or food with mouth=eating (which transfers energy)


        Can move forward or backward (based on which way pointing)

        Can rotate to face new direction

        Special neurons connect to the motor+rotator

        5-Senses - Eyes:

        Each eye had 32 rays of "light" that spread out in an expanding pattern

        Each ray provided instant information

        Information returned per ray: distance the ray traveled before hitting something, and type of material it hit

        Each ray within each eye connected to a group of input neurons so distance and material could be input

        6-Senses - Sound:

        Each creature emitted waves of sound in decreasing amplitude in a full circle, like ripples in a pond

        This signal traveled faster than creatures top speed but much slower than instant

        Sound sensor neurons covered the entire "skin" of the creature

        7-Senses - Body or Mouth touching other materials:

        The mouth and entire skin had direct touch sensor neurons which detected the type of material being touched

        Just like the eyes, if non-life material was being interacted with then one neuron fired, if plant then a different neuron, etc.

        8-Senses - Body - being eaten:

        The entire skin had special sensors for when another creatures mouth is physically touching this creature (meaning it's being eaten)


        Randomly created, then evolved per generation Many random/semi-random/ajustable factors controlled the higher level structure of the NN, examples:

        Number of layers

        Number of sections per layer (section=a group neurons more tightly connected intra-section compared to inter-section)

        Percent connectivity within section

        Percent connectivity between sections

        Percent conectivity between layers

        Percent of recurrent connetions (for each of the above)

        Type of neurons (in total or per section)

        Types of synapes (experimented with various things here) etc.

        10-Fitness function

        Basically amount of energy at end.

        Creature starts with X, eating adds to it, moving reduces it, getting eaten reduces it

        I needed to tweak this a bit because the naive version rewarded limited movement.

        The creatures needed to evolve the ability to use their eyes, their motors, to respond to being eaten by another creature, to eat another creature (just by touchig with mouth). During the early generations they would just be jiggling around randomly, but eventually some would settle in to more productive movements.

        I noticed that for long running sessions (7 days), the best creatures frequently had a NN structure that was deep-ish, like 6 layers, and came together in middle layers with many signals whittled down to a much smaller number of neurons before exploding out again to connect to the control neurons.

    • gregw2 3 months ago

      I also built alife simulators that had emergent natural selection properties. I definitely observed there was some minimal but present tuning of the environment to get natural selection to emerge.

      I also came to the conclusion you seem to have… that the environment and its complexity and attributes have as much to do with the creatures that emerge as the creatures’ inherent possibilities themselves.

      In the decades since writing those (primitive Martin Gardener-inspired) simulations, I have observed from afar that there is a strain of academic evolutionary biology that has come to similar conclusions… that the environment and its attributes and complexity is a critical (coequal?) part of the evolutionary process.

      • Bluestein 3 months ago

        > that the environment and its complexity and attributes have as much to do with the creatures that emerge as the creatures’ inherent possibilities themselves.

        An interesting conclusion, and one that I am sure has implications for artificially intelligent systems.-

    • Bluestein 3 months ago

      > Is there a level of complexity in the environment that is a base requirement?

      I think you are unto something here. Either that or a necessary minimum of sensory/processing capacity to "take in"/parse/drawn information from the environment, which amounts to the same (you end up with a certain amount of environmental complexity that you can benefit from, as a "ceiling" ...

    • simiansays 3 months ago

      Really interesting topic. For about 5 years, I spent much of my hobby time writing a-life sims and messing with them. I wanted an "aquarium" that looked interesting that I could have running 24/7, constantly evolving. I guess I wrote maybe 10 sims from scratch in Unity, Java, Processing, and p5.js.

      I have had (limited) success in getting emergent control and coordination behaviours. A couple examples:

      I played with a "battleground" simulation, inspired by the "Gladiabots" game, where the entities were NN-based fighting robots organised in teams (4v4, 20v20 etc). Random sensor systems, random fire control systems, signal emitters, etc, hooked up to random neural nets where winning teams procreate and evolve/mutate. Over a LOT of generations (maybe like 20,000+), I'd see teams evolve what looked like coherent tactics, including teamwork, role specialisation, and time-based tactics/formations.

      I had a "jellyfish" simulation, similar premise, with small aquatic animals of various "species" who could speciate, etc. The aquarium had qualities like light levels, food production, temperature zones, etc. You always have to be careful to not anthropomorphize too much, but I would clearly see battlegrounds develop and evolve, and successful species rise and fall with behaviours that (again over many thousands of generations) initially look like drunken sailors but evolve into what looks like basic behvaiours, at least at the level you may see in small multicellular organisms.

      In my experience, getting emergent behaviours needs a difficult-to-optimize balance between system complexity and system stability. Every neuron, sensor, output, or attribute you add to the sim can cause a super-exponential growth in the "problem space" of your denizens. Behaviours that require any form of coordination take so much longer to evolve than uncoordinated behaviours because you tend to need to "get lucky" where both a signal and response evolve/mutate at the same time.

      Another issue is that feed-forward networks are not great at temporal processing. Many basic behaviours require more temporal processing than I expected when I started building these things. I got these to evolve by having features like memory nodes, timer nodes, and recurrent nodes, but if I were to build another one, I'd experiment more with LSTM-like neurons and other recurrent/memory-based architectures.

      In my experience (and with my horrendously under-optimised codebases), the amount of evolution you need to simulate is super-exponential as you grow the complexity of the sensors, outputs, and neural nets. In my playing around, doubling any single dimension almost always led to more than a 4x increase in the time you need to see new emergence. In my most complex sim, it got to the point where even tweaking a basic variable like temperature or day/night cycle would need me to run the sim for at least a day to properly observe the impact, and sometimes more like a week or two. I never really knew when the "evolution ceiling" was hit, which was part of the fun for me -- I love seeing a new behavior suddenly appear.

      This ALIEN project is really interesting and it has a lot of cool ideas. I haven't played with it yet but I think it's going to be fun! The project I have been keeping an eye on is Neuraquarium, which has similar design goals to what I have built in the past.

      • wiz21c 3 months ago

        > you tend to need to "get lucky" where both a signal and response evolve/mutate at the same time

        If you count the total area of earth and the age of earth, how big/long should be your simulation to have the same breadth as earth ?

        • simiansays 3 months ago

          Well yeah, it's big numbers! These sims (at least the ones I did) can never be compared to earth, because they make assumptions that start from maybe billions of years of simulated time, and then further make tons of ridiculous assumptions about life based on our observations from this one planet, and then they massively compress our physical reality from atomic and sub-atomic interactions to insanely granular abstractions in these sims.

          ("How much energy would it take to 100% accurately simulate our universe from the big bang to now" is a pretty interesting thought experiment though!)

          I like that interesting period on Earth from maybe 4 billion years ago to maybe 500 million years ago, where we went from amoebas learning to duel to arthropods learning advanced dueling techniques. So any given one of my sims assumes a minimum of 10 billion years of priors, and assumes that it can compress millions and millions of generations and population diversity into a much smaller number.

          I've had single sims where basic building blocks go from drunken amoeba to the earliest of pretty intelligent arthropods - so that's 3.5b years of evolution. But all sims are a massive tradeoff between fidelity and duration (fast/good/cheap), and the sims I like the most are the ones that cover an era that creates emergence in even a single aspect of the simulation. I guess most of what I'm interested in simulating is vaguely on the order of 100m years of evolution, over vaguely 7 days of real-time simulation?

          • jrowen 3 months ago

            I wonder if we could develop any kind of rigor around knowing what certain systems are capable of, or at least some kind of framework for testing things out and being able to catalog and compare them.

            I believe the sims need to tend towards less assumptions, more primordial soup, and more running time. We only have one reference point (billions of years of basic shit swirling around) and I feel like we need to start closer to that rather than skipping a bunch of stuff because it's too hard. Making things with so much baked in structure/assumptions doesn't seem to be providing the learning that we need. (I'm speaking in a very general sense, I don't mean this to come off as personal about you or your projects, they sound cool!)

        • Bluestein 3 months ago

          PS. Not to mention the timescales involved ...

  • Bluestein 3 months ago

    I can totally see that. Emergence, emergent phenomena are fascinating.-

    (I am convinced that at some obscure intersection of emergence, network effects and machine learning, there lurk answers to many, fundamental questions ...

    • WanderPanda 3 months ago

      Do you mean emergence and network effects IN machine learning? Otherwise I would be very curious how machine learning fits that list in your view

      • Bluestein 3 months ago

        Thanks for making me think a bit deeper :)

        After some review, no, I do not think I would alone use "in" in somehow, I guess, circunscribing the probable, positive effects that I meant of emergence and network effects to ML.-

        In a certain sense, I think there's something "fundamental", a primitive, to ML and Transformers and such "big-data" and information techniques such as they are being applied to AI, that puts them up there with emergent phenomena and network effects in terms of constituting (or manifesting, or following, or embodying ....) some very fundamental principles.-

        So, in a sense, I am more and more leaning towards thinking that (particularly when applied to AI and the search for AGI) "primitives" such as emergence (particularly) are somehow to be brought to bear ...

        PS. As an illustration, look into JEPA and other more "holistic" approaches to simulating or achieving the "I" in AI. Approaches that are made up of very complex systems interacting with each other (some of which are Transformers, or verbal) but not entirely ...

        Now, coming back to the "in", above ...

        ... could emergence and network effects have use in ML itself (as in, integrated or taken advantage of in these systems) and the answer would also be yes, I think.-

        That is to say, emergence, network effects, ML ... consciousness perhaps, and other "fundamentals" might constitute - both as parts of larger solutions and incorporated within each other - useful building blocks ...

        Along these lines, there are some interesting "intersections" that I am exploring:

        - Bio electric signaling. Turns out neurons are great, but they are not the end-all of biological electrical signaling

        - Proprioception in ML, AI (!), and, of course robotics. There's something about having a body or being "embodied" that has some bearing here I am sure ...

        - JEPA (I and V) an other approaches that are hitting the problem from a more "holistic"/complex approach, trying to imitate or use "higher order" systems working together

        We do live in interesting times :) (And, I do not mean this in the overloaded sense of the Chinese saying to one's enemies ...)

smusamashah 3 months ago

Is there any similar life simulation system which shows replication evolving naturally? I remember looking into this project once and replication is one of the already built-in properties.

  • munchler 3 months ago

    Replication is a prerequisite for evolution, not a product of evolution. If you’re interested in how replication first arose, you want to study abiogenesis, not evolution. The tricky thing about abiogenesis, though, is that it only has to happen once, which makes it difficult to study/model scientifically.

    • dudinax 3 months ago

      You're implying there was a moment where there was nothing replicating, then there was a self replicator and life took off.

      That's not logically required, nor does it line up with reality. The replicators that live today are not self-replicators. DNA can't replicate itself and the chemicals that replicate DNA cannot replicate themselves. It's a complex soup that collectively replicates.

      It's highly likely that the "first replicator" from which we are all descended was surrounded by and descended from other entities which we'd be hard pressed to prove weren't replicators if we had the chance to study them, but definitely evolved in some way.

      • munchler 3 months ago

        I agree that abiogenesis probably required a long buildup to create the necessary conditions, but I think there's still a clear dividing line between that first self-replicator and whatever preceded it. I don't see how you could argue that the predecessors were capable of replication before that point - it's a logical contradiction.

        FWIW, I think most people studying this topic suspect that something like RNA (not DNA) was actually the original self-replicator.

      • adrian_b 3 months ago

        You mix the notion of a molecule that stores information that can be copied a.k.a. replicated, like RNA, with the notion of a self-replicating system, like a living cell.

        Like another poster has said, evolution cannot exist, unless you have a self-replicating system. The meaning of evolution is that the replication process is imperfect, so the replicas are not completely identical to their parent system, i.e. they evolve. It is meaningless to talk about evolution unless you talk about a self-replicating system.

        The existence of information-storing molecules, like RNA, is not necessary for a self-replicating chemical system. In fact it is pretty much certain that information-storing molecules did not exist in the first living entities.

        In a self-replicating chemical system without nucleic acids there must exist a closed cycle of chemical reactions, each producing reactants needed by reactions located later in the cycle and where the net result is the conversion of the simple molecules from the environment, like carbon dioxide, dihydrogen, ammonia and sulfide or sulfite into complex organic substances, including peptides and organic acids, which are either catalysts or reactants or products for various reactions along the closed cycle. Such a closed cycle of reactions is likely to have appeared in pores of suitable minerals, like metallic sulfides, in hydrothermal vents or volcanic vents that supplied the input gases.

        The difference between the first self-replicating chemical systems and the living beings with nucleic acids is the same as between hardwired control automata and microprogrammed control automata (where the control information is stored in a microprogram memory). The use of a memory (i.e. nucleic acids) has greatly accelerated the evolution of living beings, because previously any changes in the components of a self-replicating chemical system would have been very likely to result in a system that could no longer replicate, so it would die without descendants.

        There is no doubt that DNA is a later invention and that initially there was only RNA. RNA has 2 main functions, it can be copied into another RNA molecule or it serves as a template for the synthesis of a protein molecule.

        There is no doubt that the protein synthesis function has appeared later than the self-replication function. The reason is that if there would have ever existed an RNA molecule without self-replication that could be used for protein synthesis, it would have immediately disappeared without any descendants.

        So the first nucleic acids were RNA molecules able to be replicated, but without any useful function. In other words, they were RNA viruses that were parasites of some self-replicating chemical systems which had metabolism, but which did not use nucleic acids.

        The host systems must have been using ATP for a long time before the apparition of replicable RNA, and RNA must have appeared due to side reactions that caused losses of ATP by polymerization (ATP and related nucleotides are just monomers of RNA, i.e. its constituent blocks). ATP must have been used as a dehydrating agent to create peptide bonds long before the use of nucleic acids as templates for protein synthesis.

        Even in the living beings of today there are many peptides that are created without being synthesized in ribosomes with RNA templates, but the mechanism of their synthesis is much less known and understood than the synthesis of proteins with RNA templates. Before nucleic acids, the catalysts of the biological reactions must have been such peptides, which used a much smaller set of amino acids than the proteins of today, perhaps only about 6, but certainly no more than 10.

        • dudinax 3 months ago


          > There is no doubt that the protein synthesis function has appeared later than the self-replication function. The reason is that if there would have ever existed an RNA molecule without self-replication that could be used for protein synthesis, it would have immediately disappeared without any descendants.

          Such an RNA strand could have evolved from the closed chemical reactions, since RNA can have enzyme-like properties.

          All that's irrelevant, since you don't need a self replicator for evolution you just need replication-with-variation. The replication can be entirely from outside forces it makes no difference.

          For example it's possible the first reaction chains were "replicated" entirely by physical forces spreading them around, but they'd still evolve.

    • Bluestein 3 months ago

      > The tricky thing about abiogenesis, though, is that it only has to happen once, which makes it difficult to study/model scientifically.

      Excuse my ignorance ...

      ... difficult because - I assume - it only having to happen once leaves you with little examples of it happening to study?

      • munchler 3 months ago

        Yes, it didn't leave any evidence behind, other than life itself, and it could have been essentially a fluke event.

        • Bluestein 3 months ago

          Thanks for taking the time.-

  • bryan0 3 months ago

    You might be interested in this paper which was talked about on HN last week:

    “Computational Life: How Well-formed, Self-replicating Programs Emerge from Simple Interaction”


    • smusamashah 3 months ago

      Thanks. They have linked a video showing this [0] and also ascii recording of the program showing self replicator [1]. This is very helpful. It means at some point we will have artificial life simulations which do evolve replication naturally.



      • netdevnet 3 months ago

        What does "evolve replication" mean?

        • smusamashah 3 months ago

          I am naive about this subject and my wording for this might be technically wrong. What I meant was replication emerging in the simulation instead of being predefined.

genewitch 3 months ago

Someone needs to release the source code for telepathic-Critterdrug. Because that was awesome and i want to uncouple the simulation from the television part. Maybe the author reads HN and will remember me asking for this in the IRC chatroom.

  • Bluestein 3 months ago
    • genewitch 3 months ago

      it was an inspired "fork" of Critterding, which was an a-life sim in a simple 3d plane with walls, you'd decide how many green foods to put in or whatever and the little things would evolve to get more food or whatever. boring?

      Telepathic critterdrug took that premise and added "drugs" to the list of "green food," and added a common pixel-art sliding window that had an arbitrary number of "Frames" that could be moved in the x and y axis or "flipped" by incrementing or decrementing the frame numbers. The critters did all of that "telepathically", including drawing pixels, erasing pixels, and voting on whether to move the frame, etc. I'm not doing it justice, and i lost my creature files that made, "good", "elective susbtrate" videos. by participating in the collective hallucination, the critters could receive the equivalent of food as energy, so you could have a subset of critters that evolve to be "artists" and don't compete for the green food on the overworld map. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0c7nVitl7k this isn't a good representation, but it's the only one i have that survived.

      • Bluestein 3 months ago

        Shame the rest were not somehow saved :)

buffington 3 months ago

The folks behind ALIEN might want to re-consider their choice of logo. It's nearly identical to Flickr's logo (flickr.com).

tempodox 3 months ago

Seems to be Nvidia only. Too bad.

  • Bluestein 3 months ago

    (They ain't worth 3T for no reason, unfortunately :)