Show HN: BoringUi, converting JSON to web UI

23 points by Anuttam 5 days ago

Hey hackers, introducing BoringUi, a tool to convert your json data to web ui. Just enter the data, describe how you want the ui and done!

Thinking of adding a feature to directly connect api so my backend folks never have to learn bloated frontend frameworks for simple tasks. It can be used for internal presentation, MVP etc where you don't want a complex ui.

Checkout the Twitter post :

0x20cowboy 4 days ago

It’s older, but here is another alternative

  • Anuttam 4 days ago

    Nice. It can be clubbed with this but I have chosen json to let people create ui from their data since json is a common format. Gonna add feature to connect api and generate ui directly

  • sabbaticaldev 4 days ago

    this was archived 4 years ago and doesn’t even build anymore, what’s the point of saying it’s an alternative? it’s not

nsiradze 2 days ago

what kind of use cases or specific scenarios are you targeting with this feature? I get about internal presentation or MVP but, why should I pay for it

  • Anuttam a day ago

    The plan is to evolve it to a full frontend. For ex connect your backend api and generate ui for your content and use custom domain directly (handling pagination also). Use for dashboards etc.

ramon156 4 days ago

This is converting, this is generating. I keep getting different results which I don't expect when converting.

itake 4 days ago

the default json generated a view with white text on a white background :hmm:

  • Anuttam 4 days ago

    I also faced this sometimes. Improving

mutant 4 days ago

Doesn't appear to work now

  • Anuttam 4 days ago

    Still working for me. What did you try ?

  • mutant 4 days ago

    Also. Fuck xitter, move on bro