trwnbs 2 days ago is a public API and browser chat app that allows you to use popular paid and free LLM APIs anonymously. AI is super powerful, and so it's important that its access is free and private as possible so everyone can participate in its benefits. I built to bring access to AI to those who aren't part of the traditional financial system or those that prefer to maintain their privacy. Most LLM API providers require you to sign in with non-private authentication methods like Google, and validate with email or SMS. Cryptotalks requires none of that because cryptocurrency is the only accepted form of payment.

In the future, I hope to host fully homomorphic encrypted models, which will enable users to query LLMs without the provider seeing the unencrypted query entirely. This would be a big step in digital privacy, but is currently out of reach for LLMs.

I welcome everyone's feedback, and hope someone finds this useful.