teleforce 18 hours ago

All wearable devices should implement local-host functionality and capability by default, failure to do so it's not acceptable from the perspective of Murphy's Law [1], [2].

[1] Local-first software:

[2] Murphy's law:

  • hbbio 18 hours ago

    Unlike the Apple Watch, or Fitbit (Google), the Garmin watches function properly without being tethered to a phone.

    You can setup a watch without a phone and without ever activating the online services.

    They are here only for backup and additional features like social sharing. You can also backup locally with open source software if you want.

    That's why I chose one and it's one of the best products I ever had.

    • rojeee 17 hours ago

      Yup, I have a Garmin Fenix 8 AMOLED. It's an excellent watch. I run for 6-8 hours a week and I only need to charge it once a week. It is very hard wearing and has so many capabilities I don't know where to start. It even has a flashlight with red LED for during the night. With Garmin connect down I can just grab the FIT file from the watch and upload to Strava manually or perform my own analysis locally.

      • hihungryimdad 17 hours ago

        Rojee, could you provide more information about grabbing the FIT file from the watch? Also, what kind of analysis do you do locally?

        ... Sorry, what type of file is it? Just a CSV?

        • rojeee 9 hours ago

          Sure. It's a binary file and there is a spec for it on the garmin website. There's lots of libraries available for most popular languages for decoding and encoding. You can download an app for your computer. I believe it's called Garmin Express, which allows you to sync fit files to your machine.

          I'm building a running analytics app, which is really just for myself but if it turns out to be any good then I'll might turn it into a SaaS. Target market would be for fairly decent amateur runners (e.g. 2:20-2:30 marathon) but not good enough to be pro. The pros have awesome tools but sadly most are not available for us mere mortals but I can build some of them! Example features:

          1. The strava GAP model doesn't fit very well for me. So I've made my own. I update the model each month too.

          2. I've also built a wind resistance model which works quite well. I'm trying to do the same for surface types, heat and humidity as well.

          3.Using adjused pace data I built a pace/duration model to estimate critical speed and this model forms the basis of tracking progress over time. Clearly most training wont be all out efforts, so I also estimate race performances based upon current fitness as well. E.g. if you ran X speed for Y time at a sub maximal effort then you can estimate what a maximal effort would be based upon the remaining aerobic and anaerobic power. From reading sports science literure, this is the most advanced way to track performance at the moment. The actual model I use is called an omniduration model [1].

          4. I also have build some other models, e.g. Daniels running formula, which can be used but I don't find them to be as useful as the omniduration model.

          5. I'm also trying to model how a workout will effect your fitness. Where it's base/aerobic, threshold, VO2max or an anaerobic effect. Then, the idea would be to look at future training performance to assess whether the model was correct. This was you might be able to determine which types of sessions result in the best outcomes for you.


        • OnACoffeeBreak 17 hours ago

          To add to what others have posted... Activity (i.e. running, walking, cycling, etc.) FIT files are found in the GARMIN/Activity directory on the watch after connecting it to a computer over USB. File names are date time stamps.

    • aivisol 17 hours ago

      Can confirm, everything runs in the watch, no connection to the app is needed. All your workouts are stored in the watch locally and synced to the Connect App once it is available. I never take my phone with me while doing workouts because its not really needed.

    • vincnetas 18 hours ago

      This makes me wanna buy from garmin. Do they embrace opensource tools or are they reverse engineered and Garmin just does not fight them?

      • stevesimmons 17 hours ago

        I've just started exploring analysing runs from my Garmin watch. In summary:

        - Attach watch to laptop via USB-C -> opens like a USB drive, showing all the config and activity data files. You aren't locked into Garmin Connect or Strava or any other platform.

        - You can also use the Garmin Connect API and go via the web service. I tried that first. But since discovering the raw data is available directly on the watch, I don't anymore.

        - Activity data files are in the FIT format. Garmin has an SDK on GitHub in languages including Python, C# and a few others. I've tried the Python one.

        - There are a couple of projects on GitHub for decoding FIT files. I've just started writing my own as I want to output modern Pydantic models. (And the Python code in the Garmin SDK is not the most efficient or idiomatic).

        I've had my Garmin watch for 10 months now, and rate it as my best ever purchase for improving my fitness and performance, and for overall motivation to be more active. Having easy access to the raw data files is a huge bonus that I didn't originally consider.

      • jdblair 17 hours ago

        To answer your question, there is no "embrace of opensource tools" and I'm not aware of any in existence. They could exist, I haven't looked for them.

        Here's a quick writeup of my experience:

        I'm a very happy Garmin customer. I'm on my 2nd watch, a Venu 3. My favorite feature: the battery lasts multiple days, usually a week, w/o a charge (depending on how I use it).

        The watch provides access to its flash storage using MTP (Media Transfer Protocol). This allows me to access the contents and update the music on it using my Linux computer.

        I manage the other watch features (tap-to-pay, custom watchfaces, apps) using the Garmin Connect and Garmin IQ app on an Android phone. These are not open source, and I don't know of clones.

        The watch UI itself is a pretty clunky, menu-driven design. It took quite a bit of tweaking to configure it to my tastes, but the combination of "glances" and "shortcuts" let me access the features I want within a few swipes, taps, or button presses.

        Configuring apps and custom watchfaces requires internet access, as these use javascript-based applets running on your phone inside the Garmin app to do the configuration. This is annoying. Everything else works offline, or with a bluetooth connection to an offline phone (for example, I have a habit of changing the time to my destination timezone when I'm on a flight, this works once I update the timezone on my phone with no internet).

        There is a desktop Garmin program for updating firmware, but it is terrible. It is designed to work with every Garmin product (not just watches) and has a definite "design by committee" feel. Luckily, I don't need it. I think I would need to use it if I had one of the larger watches that supports offline maps.

        The features I use the most:

        - the clock

        - sports tracking, step & stair tracking

        - tap-to-pay (this is so nice)

        - pulse

        - the compass (sometimes I just want a cardinal direction when I'm disoriented)

        The sleep tracking is interesting, though I don't need it (mostly it says I don't sleep enough).

      • prurigro 17 hours ago

        They don't directly embrace open source, but their more advanced watches that don't require the connect app for certain features like sleep (such as the fenix series) are nearly completely supported by - the only thing I can think of that doesn't work is the weather map. You can even update the firmware and maps over wifi directly on the watch or use the PC software.

      • speedgoose 17 hours ago

        I got one for Christmas. The OS is a bit unique and very much not open source.

        They let you develop apps with an API and a proprietary programming language called Monkey C that looks a bit more like JavaScript / ActionScript. It runs in a bespoke VM that has been reverse engineered but I don’t think anyone ported another programming language or LLVM to it.

        There is a small open source community.

        Overall it’s not that different than developing open source apps for Apple, but with much fewer people.

      • hdra 17 hours ago

        as a user, cant say much about the hardware side - but on the software side they aren't the most developer friendly IMO.

        APIs are locked behind "contact us" button and is only reserved for enterprise users with seemingly arbitrary criteria on what/who they want to work with

      • hoseja 18 hours ago

        From older experiences I'd expect Garmin to try and fight them, unsuccessfully.

    • dietr1ch 14 hours ago

      Yes, but not too long ago they ruined the Android app and made it depend on their servers. At least the watch works fine, but I suspect it's only because the battery isn't large enough to cut lazy devs and hasty PMs from working on harder problems.

      • mvdtnz 8 hours ago

        No they didn't. Why are you telling lies?

    • jimmydoe 18 hours ago

      great, hopefully they stay so after a reminder like this.

    • TacticalCoder 16 hours ago

      > Unlike the Apple Watch, or Fitbit (Google), the Garmin watches function properly without being tethered to a phone.

      How's the outgoing connection established to send the position established then?

  • maxerickson 18 hours ago

    The watches don't need the server to function (I'm wearing one), which seems to satisfy what you are saying.

    I think the only major impact is that "coached" activities won't be available, but everything else in the watches works without a network connection. Data history isn't hugely available on the watch either, but that's just an inconvenience.

    • jagermo 17 hours ago

      same. All of the data should still be stored on the watch and the app, since that works local via Bluetooth. Sync to other services like strava or trainingpeaks should happen once the services are online. Even the external sync on the watches should work, i just updated my deezer playlist on my epix 2 without issues and with connect down.

      It might be annoying, but it still works. Without a note in the app, i would not have noticed.

  • iib 18 hours ago

    I use Gadgetbridge[1] exactly for this reason. It's a FOSS app (on f-droid as well) that tricks wearables into thinking that your phone is actually communicating legitimately with the server.

    Garmin support[2] is not really good. Some commenters here mentioned that Garmin watches can work without servers, maybe that's why.

    It's not local-first by definition, because you still need a phone with an app, but it's the best I got for now (apart from finally assembling my PineTime watch).



  • truefossil 18 hours ago

    I remember that some Garmin employees gave talks on CRDTs at some event. That was 2015 or 2016, so I can not recall any details.

    • zackangelo 17 hours ago

      Was it at Strangeloop by any chance? I think I remember that talk too!

  • thefz 9 hours ago

    They do, you just don't know it.

0x000042 19 hours ago

All Garmin Connect services are currently down.

This affects most (all?) Garmin fitness products such as the popular Fenix watches.

The Garmin Connect app seems to be completely useless without the Garmin Connect servers being up. It is not even possible to see local data on the phone.

I guess this also means that at some point in the future when Garmin discontinues the servers an enormous amount of watches becomes useless worldwide.

  • MattBearman 17 hours ago

    > The Garmin Connect app seems to be completely useless without the Garmin Connect servers being up. It is not even possible to see local data on the phone.

    Not the case, I can see all the local data from my watch in the app and still sync the two, just missing cloud backups and online specific functionality

    • DebtDeflation 17 hours ago

      Are you sure about that? I have a Garmin Fenix 6 and the Connect app on Android. While it's true that all data is stored locally on the watch and it doesn't need to be tethered to a phone to work, I'm pretty sure that syncing the watch to the Connect app does require the Connect app to be connected to the server. I have experienced this multiple times, after completing a hike in a remote area and I try to sync the Hike Activity to Connect it fails due to not having a cellular connection despite the watch being connected to the phone via Bluetooth.

      • pandemicsyn 16 hours ago

        I could swear I've also gotten data sync's while in limited connectivity situations, but to be fair could be that occasionally it was just able to phone in enough to do its thing.

        Service is back up, so just testing real quick, at least on IOS , turning off wifi/cellular (not airplane mode) - my fenix at least seems to still be streaming heart rate data to the app. Not entirely sure what else will update from local data though (if anything).

        • DebtDeflation 14 hours ago

          Ok, I just tried again.

          Turned off WiFi and put phone into Airplane Mode. Verified that Bluetooth is still connected to the watch.

          Go into the Connect app. There's a big red box that says "No Internet Connection."

          Heart Rate is transmitting to the Connect App in real time.

          However, if I try to run a Sync from Connect, it hangs and then fails.

          Turn on WiFi and take phone out of Airplane Mode. Run a Sync from Connect. It completes successfully.

          Confirmed - If you complete an Activity and want to sync your watch to your phone with the Connect app, your phone must have an Internet connection.

  • redleader55 18 hours ago

    Last time this happened, there were two effects: on one hand people making fun of not being able to upload their activities to Strava and on the other hand, and more seriously, people not being able to use their aviation navigation systems. Can someone comment if the Garmin aviation devices are affected?

    • jayelbe 18 hours ago

      Try visiting their FlyGarmin services at - - certainly looks to be down.

      • duxup 17 hours ago

        What indicates it’s down on that site?

        • jayelbe 17 hours ago

          It was loading a blank white page. Looks like it's back now though!

    • ramses0 18 hours ago

      Likely they are, likely it "shouldn't" matter, as all their advertising says: "Not FAA approved [wink]", in an emergency it's cool to be able to click a button on your watch and see the closest airport, but you're supposed to have paper maps, a flight plan, a checklist, etc, etc.

    • briandear 18 hours ago

      Garmin glass cockpits don’t depend on Garmin services at all. Perhaps updating charts but that’s a monthly thing generally and it’s not done while airborne.

      The “not FAA approved” isn’t a thing — there are devices that go in uncertified (experimental) aircraft, but those also don’t depend on live connections to Garmin services.

      • xattt 18 hours ago

        How would an aircraft be able to reliably “stream in” maps while in flight?

        That argument makes no sense, other than a red herring saying “durr, glass cockpit bad”.

        • HappyJoy 17 hours ago

          They don't. Glass avionics have a charts database that's physically updated about every month

  • ABS 17 hours ago

    it's always been possible to connect via USB and manually copy the activity files to analyse them with countless 3rd party tools.

    They certainly can change that in the future but they haven't so far

  • blackbear_ 17 hours ago

    > an enormous amount of watches becomes useless worldwide

    Not necessarily, some (many?) of these watches are usable without being connected to a phone. Besides being a funcional watch, including timers and alarms, all the fitness tracking and activity recording features work fine, even those that use GPS, at least on my Venu 2.

  • ck2 17 hours ago

    You can still read and parse FIT files via many many utilities and services.

    The problem that happened last time is the satellite shortcut files for GPS were never updated for weeks and went stale, so GPS took minutes to lock instead of seconds.

    However it is well known now after years how to create the GPS files for mediatek chipsets.

    What's never been documented is how to make them for the SONY GPS chipsets.

    EPO.bin (mediatek) vs CPE.bin (sony)

    this paper lists other potential sources for those files


    aha! this is the url for direct download of CPE.bin which you should put into the \GARMIN\REMOTESW directory on your garmin watch/device that has SONY GPS (not mediatek)

          #(save as CPE.bin into \GARMIN\REMOTESW )
  • mvdtnz 18 hours ago

    My Connect app (Android) still shows current steps, heart rate data, body battery etc. Only the online portions are affected.

    • 2716057 18 hours ago

      Same for me; "completely useless" is a bit exaggerated. Workouts can be recorded and synchronized, they just don't end up in the cloud.

    • clarionbell 18 hours ago

      Even my antique vivoactive is doing fine. I wouldn't know anything was off if not for the announcement.

    • Szpadel 18 hours ago

      interesting, when I first checked the app I got all panels as "no data available" but after reading your comment I checked it again and indeed content showed up.

      I guess it might need second refresh to properly fallback to local mode

    • tallanvor 18 hours ago

      Yeah, it seems they've finally added some local caching to the app. Previously when their services were down the Connect app was completely useless, but now even though the graphs aren't updating, I can still see a lot of information.

  • aquatica 17 hours ago

    > It is not even possible to see local data on the phone.

    I can still see and navigate through everything

  • wslh 18 hours ago

    > The Garmin Connect app seems to be completely useless without the Garmin Connect servers being up. It is not even possible to see local data on the phone.

    Yes, I think it was so obvious from their UX/UI because it has lags when you use the application which is very common on basic UI front-end consuming remote APIs as its where local. I would say that it even feel slower than great web apps that also depend on remote services.

wsdookadr 18 hours ago

People who rely on maps would have them downloaded onto their navigation devices. Nobody needs Garmin to be up 100% of the time.

  • Mainsail 16 hours ago

    I haven't looked at what is directly impacted yet, but this is an oversimplification. Assuming it is all Garmin services down, I've personally used my inReach for the following situations that have no real map involvement:

    - Coordination of supply drops during multi-day backcountry ski tours.

    - Weather updates in the Rocky Mountains where weather can change in an instant.

    - Contacting a personal dispatch POC over messaging during an avalanche injury that required SAR without having to hit the SOS button.

    Additionally, my wife relies on her inReach mini every day as a safety net as a biologist in remote areas of Colorado. Most people I encounter in the outdoors space rarely use their Garmin for navigation. Instead they use an app akin to onX, Gaia, CalTopo, etc.

  • phartenfeller 17 hours ago

    Well, nobody needs anything 100% of the time besides oxygen. But if you pay a lot of money for a watch because it has certain features backed by services, I would definitely hope that I can actually use them when I want to.

    • neuroelectron 17 hours ago

      Garmin watches are specifically engineered to be off-grid devices.

    • zild3d 17 hours ago

      and nobody can guarantee 100% uptime of online software services. Not to give a free pass or excuse downtime, but you shouldn't expect 100% uptime if its not in an SLA you are paying for, which would be quite expensive

_spduchamp 16 hours ago

We got a Garmin watch for our daughter when she started walking to school on her own. It works pretty well but communication is delayed and sometimes not reliable on rainy days. When we first got it was very unreliable, but after contacting Garmin support, the did some sort of test over the network, made some change, and it was working much more reliably after that. I have no idea what they adjusted to get it working. We're pretty happy with it.

  • TacticalCoder 16 hours ago

    > We got a Garmin watch for our daughter when she started walking to school on her own.

    How does that work? Does the watch have its own SIM card? Does she need to carry a phone for the Garmin watch to work?

    Asking for I bought a cheap chinese watch but it's a standalone watch that takes a SIM and, James Bond style, allows to pass and receive phone calls (without needing a lame iPhone in your pocket: the watch is really standalone). The phone feature is really fine but sadly the battery empties quickly (in a day) and the location isn't very accurate.

avg_dev 17 hours ago

Tangent: is it possible to use a Garmin watch without turning Bluetooth on on my phone and still get the data synced somehow?

  • lukeschlather 16 hours ago

    What's the motivation behind keeping Bluetooth off? If you're just trying to avoid Bluetooth, I would just turn on Bluetooth, it works better than the Wifi sync and at the end of the day it's doing exactly the same thing, just with your phone as a bridge.

    Another option for syncing is the desktop app, or just manually copying the fit files to somewhere. I sometimes copy the fit files and convert them to gpx to upload GPS traces places. Also I can view the GPX files in e.g. gpxsee which shows them on a map.

  • thefz 9 hours ago

    Most do USB just fine

altcognito 17 hours ago

It was back up about 45 minutes after this was posted.

mabedan 17 hours ago

Who do they need a platoon of cookies for a user checking out the status?

ck2 17 hours ago

My activity still uploaded via PC and I can see it on the web via PC

It may just be mobile services?

Hopefully they were not hacked again and wiped out like last time where the had to do a full restore for a month.